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Wednesday, 15 December 2021

How to install python



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Python 3 Major Version Installation (Wondows)


Download the latest Python 3.x version. At the time of writing this article latest version was Python 3.7.4 (July 8, 2019). Download Windows x86 – 64 executable file only as installer will automatically install 32 or 64 bit of Python according to the system configuration.


Open the executable file and Check the Add Python 3.7 to PATH. Then click the Install Now button. It will show the installation progress. 


When the installation progress is completed, you will see the Disable path length limit. Now you must be thinking what is it and whats will happen if I will disable it. The answer is clear, it will remove the limitations on MAX_PATH variable. It will allow to use long path names for the Python. We recommend you to not disable this option as it will remove any path related issues while working in Windows. Therefore click on the close button to finish the installation.


Now, the Python 3.7.4 is installed. You can check it either it is properly installed or not. You can do it through Command Prompt. Open the command prompt and type the following command -" python -v ". It will output the version of the Python.


Congratulation, you have successfully installed Python 3 version. you can read the next tutorial to Python Programming a complete guide for beginners.

Python 3 Major Version Installation (Linux)

Linux is an open source Operating System. There are many Linux based operating systems. Popular are Ubuntu, Fedora, Linux Mint, Debian. In this section you will learn how to do python installation for both Python 3 and Python 2 versions. Fedora Linux OS used for Installation of python. Most of the newer Linux based Operating system have already installed Python. You will check it is installed or not by the typing the following commands in terminal. 

For Python3
$ python3 --version

For Python2
$ python2 --version

You will see the python versions as output like in the below screenshot. But if you are not seeing then , you have to install Python . Follow the following steps for successful install.

If you are using Ubuntu 16.0 or newer version, then you can easily install Python 3.6 or Python 2.7 by typing the following commands 

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install python3.7

Python 3 Major Version Installation (MacOS)

MacOs is an operating system developed by the Apple Inc. It is just like Windows Operating System and other operating system. Most of the newer versions of MacOS have pre-installed python. You can check python is installed or not by the following commands. 

python --version

Download the Python 3 or 2 new version. At the time of writing this post , Python 3.7.4 - July 8, 2019 was the newer version. Download the Mac OS X 64-bit/32-bit ( installer. Run the package and following the installation steps to install the python packages

After the successful installation , you can check the python version by using the same command.

python --version

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